At Home Art Lessons | Andy Warhol
Go check out Studio Four10
What a crazy couple of weeks it has been, am I right?! Since everyone has all of the sudden become teachers and are homeschooling their kids for at least the next couple of weeks, I’m here to help you out some! Fun fact, I used to teach art for a couple of years for kids from 5 - 16 years old. Each day this week I will posting a blog with art lessons based on a different famous artist. Each lesson will have a short page about the famous artist and there will be different projects based on kids ages. So you will be getting a little art history as well as a fun project to do!
Today’s lesson is all about Andy Warhol, printmaking, and pop art! The first lesson is perfect for ages Pre-k - 1st grade, and the second is great for 2nd-6th graders. If you do any of these lessons please feel free to send me pictures! I would love to see all the little artist out there!
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Lesson 1 | Handprint Pop Art
Pre-K - 1st
Colored construction paper
Several colors of paint (at least 4)
paint brush (sponge brush works best)
tape or glue
Cut 4 different colors of construction paper in half.
Paint the child’s hand with a different color paint then the construction paper and have them place their hand on the paper to make a handprint. You can also use feet prints too! Be creative!
Repeat this with the other colors. You can also go back and had different colored handprints on top after the first prints have dried.
Once all the prints have dried either tape them together side-by-side or glue them on top of another piece of paper!
Lesson 2 | Printmaking Pop Art
2nd - 6th grade
colored construction paper
foam paper plate
several colors of paint (at least 4)
paint brush (sponge brush works best)
paper towel
glue or tape
Take your foam plate and cut the center part out to where it is flat.
You will then cut different colored pieces of construction paper into the same size squares as you foam plate.
Then you will draw (a more dull pencil works best for this) a picture of a commercial type product (candy bar, coke, etc.). You can use magazines to find inspiration. Make sure to go back over the drawing again to make sure that the lines are deep, if your pencil pokes through thats okay. You have now made your stamp.
Take you paint brush and paint ONE color one to your stamp, make sure the paint is not thick or it will not work.
Then stamp it onto a different color piece of paper. make sure you rub all over the back of your stamp really well to make sure as much paint as possible transfers to the paper.
Wash and dry off your stamp and paint brush and repeat with different colors.
Once all of your prints have dried you can glue them onto a bigger piece of paper, or tape the backs of them together.